Export Appointments Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin

With filters that appear at the top of the page, you can narrow down appointments by common characteristics such as date, employees, customer, services, or status. The date filter is predefined by the period of seven days starting from the current date.

Amelia WordPress - Filter Appointments

The appointments table is grouped by date and provides information about the appointments such as time, a customer(s), employee, service, duration, payment, and status. You can expand an appointment (row) by clicking on it. An expanded record shows the information about the customer’s phone customer’s email. You can use the “Status” drop-down to change the status of all customer bookings at the time. Click the “Edit” button to open the “Edit Appointment” dialog for the chosen appointment.

You can delete multiple appointments at the same time by checking the appointments you want to delete. The dialog box will appear in the table footer when you check at least one appointment you want to delete. Once you are certain you want to delete the records click the “Trash” icon and then the “Delete” button.

Amelia WordPress - List of the Appointments