How to View Transactions In SwipeSimple:

Overview: This guide will walk you through how to navigate the SwipeSimple portal to view your transactions.

1. While on the SwipeSimple Overview screen, select the "Transaction" module on the left-hand side of your screen.

2. Your Transaction module will open and will display all of your recent transactions. If you have product items already set up you can see what item was purchased in the "Reference Number."

Note: From the log displayed you will see the following information pertaining to each transaction:

  • Transaction Number
  • Date
  • Type (Sale Type)
  • Amount
  • Result (Approved or Declined)
  • Payment Method
  • Brand (Card)
  • Last 4 (Last 4 on Card)
  • Auth Code (Processing Authorization Number)
  • Cardholder Name
  • Reference Number (Product or Course Selected)

3. To look further into the customer's transaction, you can select the "Transaction #" hyperlinked in blue.

Note: the transaction detail page will include all the fine details of the payment processed.

This Includes:

  • Related Information
  • Payment Link Details
  • Transaction Detials (This will show the Item, course, or product selected by the customer next to the Reference #) 
  • Items (This will show the Item, course, or product selected by the customer under the Item column)
  • Receipt History

You Can Also:

  • View the Receipt (Located at the bottom of the screen)
  • Send the Receipt (Located at the bottom of the screen) 
  • Print the Receipt (Located at the bottom of the screen) 

Important: All donor information has been hidden to protect their privacy and information.